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Spanish – English – Portuguese – ask for other languages

StarSac is a trusted leader Translation and Training Company. We are a team of highly qualified translators and editors specialized in different areas of knowledge; that is why we can guarantee high-quality translations. Our translation process includes the analysis of the complexity and terminology used in the text, the translation made by a professional specialized in the practice field, the detailed correction of the translation and its final revision. StarSac guarantees the strict confidentiality of your information. Our aim is to build long-term relationships with our clients; that is why your confidence in our services is the basis of our success.

StarSac’s translation steps 

Practice fields:

General: personal documentation, Web pages, PowerPoint presentations, brochures, press releases and corporate documents from different areas, resumes, reference letters, etc.

Legal: documentation related to family law and probate proceedings, civil and commercial contracts, by-laws, shareholders and board of directors meetings minutes, and other company related documents, letters rogatory, rulings, motions and procedural writings in general; documents related to intellectual property rights, insurance, trusts, etc.

Finance – accounting: accounting statements, auditor’s opinions, prospectus for the issuance of securities, negotiable instruments, bank financial statements, etc.

Education: diploma, high-school & university transcripts, attendance and scholarship records,  etc.

Medicine: specialized articles and works to be presented at congresses and seminars, drug use directions and technical reports, high-complexity equipment manuals. Certificates issued by foreign authorities to be submitted before ANMAT (Food and Drug Administration of Argentina), certificates for the approval and import and free sale of medical products.

Energy and natural resources: bids, Joint Venture agreements, contracts for the production and distribution of oil and gas, administrative rulings issued by regulatory entities and government agencies, mineral exploitation agreements and articles for specialized magazines.

Information Technology and Telecommunications: bids and offers, requests for quotations, technical specs, manuals, etc. 

Other translation fields